This article is devoted to the influence of the ever-increasing importance of measures to protect the environment
and combat climate change in the political course of the European Union and Germany on the transformation of the
main German national political parties (the Christian Democratic Union of Germany and the Christian Social Union in
Bavaria, the Social Democratic Party, the Alliance 90/The Greens, the Free Democratic Party, the Alternative for
Germany and the Left). According to the opinion polls in Germany, the environmental issues (the protection of the
environment, the fight against climate change, and the energy turnaround) before the 2021 Bundestag elections were
causing citizens' concern even more than the coronavirus pandemic. A similar environmental trend was observed before
the 2019 European elections when climate change also came to the fore. As a result, the significant growth of the
Alliance 90/The Greens in 2019 triggered the other German parties to think of the substantial environmental
transformation of their political courses. The reason for it was the need both to preserve the current political influence in
parliaments and to expand it further. This article aims to characterize the environmental evolution of the discourses,
priorities, and influences of the main parties in Germany. For this aim, the author used the programmes and manifestos
of the parties, opinion polls, statistics of election results, speeches of party leaders, etc. Based on the result of
the research, the author concludes a significant shift in priorities and deepening of the environmental agenda of all the
mentioned parties with an emphasis on climate change. It is also possible to trace that the competition on the proposed
climate change targets reaches populist trends in some cases (e.g., in the cases of the Alternative for Germany and the
Left). However, the opinion polls and other statistics show that the popularity of parties depends not only on the most
important political topics such as the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change (i.e., the
environmental factor) but also on other factors, where the reputation of party leaders, as well as historically formed
traditional preferences of citizens, are crucial. In particular, it was reflected in the downgrade of the Alliance 90/The Greens, which reached the highest popularity in the 2021 spring. The party achieved record results in the Bundestag
elections in September of 2021, but it could not claim the victory
Translated title of the contributionThe influence of the environmental factor on the transformation of the main political parties in Germany
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)142-150
Issue number82
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • political party, elections, environment, climate, the Alliance 90/The Greens

ID: 105516106