This article, analyzing the role of the Latgale language in the formation of the national identity of Latvians in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, comes to a conclusion that there are significant contradictions between ethnic groups in their mutual integration and the formation of the national identity of Latvians. Instead of mutual agreements, compromises and the self-determination of the Latgalian ethnic groups by the development of Latgalian literary language and the integration of language into schools’ education system on the Latgale territory, there is a compulsory naturalization and assimilation of ethnic groups living on the territory of the country, with the purpose of influencing the collective memory of Latvia's population.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)1691-1700
JournalВопросы национальных и федеративных отношений
Issue number10 (55)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • collective memory, history politicization, linguistic nationalism, memory policy, national identity, коллективная память, национальная идентичность, политизация истории, политика памяти, языковой национализм

ID: 78514297