The author believes that the “Varangians” in the oldest russian Chronicle is a literary construction, serving certain Christian didactic and political views and objec-tives of the chroniclers. Varangians were identified with Rus' by the chroniclers abroad XI-XII centuries. The chroniclers justified - not so much to his contemporaries as to our descendants - the revenge of Yaroslav for the beating the Varangian mercenaries by Novgorodians. But this identification interpreted the data of the local tradition and Byz-antine news. In ancient times the word “Russia” was the personification of the origin, that was opposite to the Slavic tribal life with its “strife” and disorder. Nor the Varangi-ans imposed to the Slavs their self-name “Rus”, but Slavs awarded Varangians by the chroniclers hands with a one of names-symbols-concepts. Tale of Bygone Years demon-ized Vladimir as pagan and elevate Vladimir Svyatoslavich and his sons as Christians. One means of solving these problems was a chronicle decision of “Varangian topic”. The image of “Varangians” in the Tale of Bygone Years was formed on the basis of different components, reflecting the historical reality and the political and Christian-didactic in-terpretation of chroniclers.