In the era of globalization many countries around the world are in the search for their new national identity. China is no exception here. Everybody will agree that it has changed a lot in terms of its economic development for the last 20 years thanks to the governmental reforms and efforts. Besides, the famous traditional Chinese culture has been undergoing some changes in its value system, which can be seen not only in the new ways of social behavior, but also in the language. Here we will analyze the contexts, in which the word 全球化 quánqiúhuà ‘globalization' is used by the native speakers, and try to find the most commonly used expressions in order to illustrate the associations it evokes in their minds. Then we will try to show the attitudes of Chinese youth towards globalization based on the publications and private talks, as well as the views of the older generation represented by the works of Wang Meng and Lin Yutang. Furthermore, this new state of affairs is quite beneficial for the Chinese government
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)6-22
JournalИзвестия Восточного института
Issue number1 (45)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • chinese culture, chinese language, globalization, LIN Yutang, policy, public opinion, value system, Wang Meng, Ван Мэн, глобализация, китайская культура, китайский язык, Линь Юйтан, общественное мнение, политика, система ценностей

ID: 78381534