The article proves the essential coincidence of the views of L.N. Tolstoy and L.P. Karsavina on the correspondence of time and eternity in human being. It is shown that both thinkers understand eternity not as a lack of time, but as “timelessness”, as a latent ability of a person to cover all time and all events of his life. In the article, this general idea is used to demonstrate the unity of the religious teachings of Tolstoy and Karsavin, in the context of which the problem of personality is solved. It is shown that both thinkers adhere to pantheistic views and understand the life of a person in time as the “unfolding” of the existence of God in a system of particular forms. Having identified the principle of the identity of God and the individual as the basis of the religious teachings of thinkers, the authors of the article state that they unconditionally accept the idea of immortality, and in its version that is incompatible with the church teaching about immortality as being in the Kingdom of Heaven. A
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)150-161
Issue number3 (63)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • immortality, the all-time personality, the identity of the person and God, time and eternity, true death, бессмертие, время и вечность, всевременность личности, истинная смерть, тождество личности и Бога

ID: 78573948