According to results of U–Th–Pb (SIMS)-method of determination of the age of zircons from magmatic bodies of trachytes and trachydolerites of Verhneagyndjinskiy complex located within Rassokha island arc and Arga-Tas oceanic terranes was made a conclusion about Valanginian age of its formation. Rassokha and Arga-Tas terranes are close to volcanic rocks of base of the Alazeya-Indigirka zone. The spatial position of Valanginian trachytes and trachydolerites does not allow to consider them as a suprasubduction formations of the Andian-type margin. This is due to the distance of these bodies from the main field of the Alazeya-Indigirka zone. It can be concluded that the formation of these bodies was associated with stretching within this zone. The tectonic position of the Valanginian magmatic bodies allows to interpret them as complexes that stitches two geodynamically different terranes.