The article discusses the results of research of the concepts “Power”, “Law”, and “People” found in the classical Russian texts (prose and philosophical) written in different epochs. It is proposed to use conceptual analysis alongside the other kinds of text analysis. A concept is a unity of three forms in a word (image, symbol and notion), which are defined by the “primary meaning” of conceptum, i.e. a perfection of the given concept. To reveal the “motives” of actions we use the method of semantic invariable construction. From the point of view of synergy links we analyze three strategies of public behavior and make the conclusions. The concepts “Power” and “People”, as the references to the real forces, do not have synonyms, they are absolute. The concept “Law”, being perfection of force, was often substituted by the more suitable concepts, which were also ideal. In the XIth century Ilarion(Judaic) Law replaced by (Christian) Mercy of God; after that the concept of law was often replaced by the concepts “Truth”, “Justice”, “Consciousness”, etc. Every ideal is beyond reach, and the difference of the concept “Law” from the other two makes it possible to substitute he real for the desired, which happens quite often.