This article analyzes the main features and prospects for development of digital sector of Chinese economy. In contemporary world, the digital economy plays a very important role and special attention is paid to it because of coronavirus pandemic. China's economy is facing new challenges in the form of slowing economic growth and raising the level of wages, which leads to the transfer of production from China to other countries, and this in turn leads to the outflow of capital from the country. China must change the structure of economy, and it is precisely its digitalization that can become a new growth driver. At the same time, some sectors of the digital economy may allow China to change the global financial system, so this issue can be said to affect the whole world. China has already achieved a lot, but it opens up even greater prospects, this work is designed to consider positive experience and assess the opportunities for the development of the digital economy in China.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
EventV Международная научно-практическая конференция "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS" - Пенза, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 Jul 202027 Jul 2020
Conference number: V


ConferenceV Международная научно-практическая конференция "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS"
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • blockchain, china, cloud systems, digital economy, online trading, блокчейн, китай, облачные системы, онлайн-торговля, цифровая экономика

ID: 78511599