In their article, the authors consider the possibility of using gamification mechanisms in the activities of state and municipal authorities. Due to the conservative nature of government, innovative methods that are already widely used in the commercial sector are often not widely used in public administration. Therefore, the article attempts to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of gamification tools in the activities of state and municipal authorities. The authors consider several examples of the introduction of gamification mechanisms in the public sphere. Thus, the UK government communications center uses gamification in the field of recruiting, and in Chile it helps in the fight against childhood obesity. In Hawaii, gamification has been introduced into the online public services system to encourage citizens to use online services, and in Australia, gamification helps to increase students' legal awareness. In Sweden, gaming instruments reduce the number of road accidents, while in Massachusetts, g
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)120-122
JournalСкиф. Вопросы студенческой науки
Issue number8 (36)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • bureaucracy, gamification, motivation, state and municipal authorities, бюрократия, геймификация, мотивация, органы государственной и муниципальной власти

ID: 78424460