The "nullification" of the presidential terms, announced in Russia in March 2020 and judicially approved immediately after that, has come under heavy criticism from the legal community. As in many other cases, the doctrinal discussion of this event's legal aspects mainly develops in two directions. The first is an analysis of the logical compatibility of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation's decision with its previous legal positions, and the second is a reassessment of the balance of constitutional values established by the legislator and the judges. However, a more promising one is a conceptual and methodological analysis of judicial argumentation aimed at exploring genetic and logical-semantic relations between the main legal concepts that are used in it, implying also an assessment of this argumentation from the point of view of the methodological rules of judicial reasoning. A key legal concept for both the decision's motifs and the doctrine is one of rotation in office. In the historical
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)63-81
Issue number3 (136)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • constitutional amendment, constitutional court, nullification of presidential terms, rotation in office, term limits, конституционная поправка, конституционный суд, обнуление, сменяемость власти, срок полномочий

ID: 78516071