The Article is devoted to the identification of the role of the media as a mediator of power and society, as a means of policy implementation, in the course of which the process itself goes beyond the conventionality and its extreme forms arise. The role of the media in this mechanism of transformation is enormous, although hardly noticeable, and manifests itself as the background on which the main actors of the political process act. The analysis of possibilities and degree of influence of the processes reflected in virtual space on development of political conflicts demands the reference to mediatization. Although this phenomenon, which has an informational nature and therefore manifests itself in many aspects and is ubiquitous, there is no clearly verified formula, but the essential characteristics of mediatization can reveal a very significant impact of the media on the political process. The very process of mediatization has an objective basis, although a significant place in its manifestation plays a subjective factor. The authors ' attention is drawn to the influence of mass media on mass consciousness, in the process of which the mass media factor of conflictogenic development is formed.The article traces this phenomenon to such forms of extreme political process as revolution, war, armed conflict. During the information war, the lack of direct contact and direct information is compensated by the media, the image of the opponent is demonized, transformed into an irreconcilable enemy.