The substantiation of conceptual-methodological approaches to the research of spatial-temporary structure of social-geographical systems (SGS) are given. The interaction of economic, social and ecological components of space (the environment of vital activity and territorial community of people) was displaied.

Every type of social-economic activity has its own space, organized in a corresponding manner. The main resource in this space is territory which consolidate the different people's communities and which is a substance of realization of the people's existence. Territory is an integral natural resource. It's an nature-social resource: that means that it is as environment as well as and surrounding of vital activity. Territory is the interaction and crossing of geographic formations of different level, which have different stages of structural organization.

The territorial people's communities are divided into two space levels. Firstly, it is population of nation-state and administrative-territorial units, including settlements as systems of displacement. Secondly, it is population of towns, townships, rural settlements. These two level are interconnected and interacted formating the territorial community of according level. These processes have been traced in some publications (on examples of social-economic, ecological, infrastructural components of SGS).
Translated title of the contributionThe development of theory and methodology of spatial-temporary analysis of social-geographical systems
Original languageRussian
PublisherИздательский Центр «Академия»
StatePublished - 1999

ID: 4235929