The analysis of a scientific article as a speech genre suggests that over the past 120 years, the model of a scientific article has changed in a number of its characteristics: formal (volume, division into sections, method of formatting parts of the article ), stylistic (fluctuations in the parameters of the afillative, predictive, reflexive and evaluative components), and pragmatic. The results of the analysis of scientific articles indicate that there are internal trends in changing the genre model that are not related to modern formal requirements.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationЯзыковое сознание. Речевая коммуникация
Subtitle of host publicationматериалы международной научной конференции, посвящённой памяти профессора Валентина Евсеевича Гольдина
Place of PublicationСаратов
PublisherИздательство "Наука"
ISBN (Print)978-5-9999-3403-1
StatePublished - 2020
EventЯзыковое сознание. Речевая коммуникация: Международная научная конференция, посвященная памяти проф. В.Е.Гольдина - СНИГУ им.Р.Г.Чернышевского, Саратов, Russian Federation
Duration: 14 Oct 202016 Oct 2020


ConferenceЯзыковое сознание. Речевая коммуникация
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 73040279