SOME ASPECTS OF ‘MUSIC VS POLITICS' PROBLEM IN WILLIAM STYRON'S WORKS Researchers of William Styron's works paid a lot of attention to problematics including the musical one. They distinguished oppositional rows that are typical for Styron's literary world where the principle of contrast was embodied quite evidently. The purpose of this article is to denote an opposition that differs typologically from the generally recognized ones and, at first, may not seem to be an opposition at all. However, Styron's ‘politics vs music' is in the same semantic field and this antithesis does not look like the artificial one. It is distinctly traced in novels ‘Set This House on Fire', 1960 and ‘Sophie's Choice', 1979. The novelist's credo was formulated in the introduction to a collection of the American-Soviet prose and poetry. William Styron demarcates two polar worlds: politics and literature. An explanation for this contraposition can be found in the American reality. Thus, the opposition ‘politics vs literature' occ
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationАнглистика XXI века: Материалы VII Всероссийской межвузовской научно-методической конференции
PublisherУниверситетские Образовательные округа
ISBN (Print)978-5-4416-0016-3
StatePublished - 2014

ID: 4775998