The paper reveals the relevance of the problem of the boundaries of the lack of tools of the mediator, the boundaries of mediation with related methods and the narrowing of the mediability of cases in Russian practice. In order to overcome these problems, the potential of facilitating mediation in the processing and use of related tools and techniques for their needs is revealed using the example of transactional analysis. The similarity and difference between mediation and transactional analysis shown. The main difficulties in mediation related to the presence of an irrational component and the limitations of the mediator's techniques in working with them presented. The possibility of overcoming difficulties due to transactional analysis is noted. The application of transactional analysis and its methods at different stages of mediation disclosed.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)34
JournalСтолыпинский вестник
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • difficulties, effectiveness, mediator, neutrality, parties, tools, transactional analysis, инструментарий, медиатор, нейтральность, стороны, транзактный анализ, трудности, эффективность

ID: 78399222