• Евгений Анатольевич Гусев
  • Анатолий Николаевич Молодьков
  • Антон Борисович Кузнецов
  • Елизавета Станиславовна Новихина
  • Надежда Юрьевна Аникина
  • Людмила Григорьевна Деревянко
  • Валентина Александровна Четверова
  • Антон Владимирович Крылов
The subject of this research is the stratigraphy and paleography of the Middle Neo-Pleistocene of the north of Western Siberia. The authors examine the sediments of the Middle Neo-Pleistocene of Yenisei North, including Taz and Shirta horizons, correlated with marine isotope stages 6 and 7. The affiliation of the explored sections to the upper link of the Middle Neo-Pleistocene was substantiated by the chronometric studies, as well as sectoral position, palynological and microfaunistic data. Special attention is given to the genetic interpretation of sediments based on the results of the author’s personal laboratory and analytical data and published records. The goal of this work lies examination of the Middle Neo-Pleistocene sediments of the Yenisei North, as well as determination of their age and genesis on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the key sections. The authors applied lithological, microfaunistic, and palynological methods of research; as well as conducted age dating via the method of infrare
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)112-125
JournalАрктика и Антарктика
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • diamict rocks, Genetic Interpretation, geochronology, key sections, middle Neopleistocene, quaternary sediments, Sanchugov suite, Shirtin horizon, Taz horizon, western Siberia, генетическая интерпретация, геохронология, диамиктовые породы, западная Сибирь, опорные разрезы, санчуговская свита, средний неоплейстоцен, тазовский горизонт, четвертичные отложения, ширтинский горизонт

ID: 78579830