Encouragement of domestic investments into the real sector of the Russian economy is a pressing task of state administration at the current stage. As part of the measures of state support the author names tax preferences, including tax incentives both in their economic manifestation and in their legal implementation. Residents of special economic zones and other territories with special status, as well as participants of regional investment projects have the right to use reduced corporate income tax accompanied with a whole system of prohibitive conditions and restrictions. The assessment of the set of conditions and restrictions applied for various economic entities allows to question the real attractiveness of the status of a resident or participant of such a significant activity for the State as the investment activity. Lack of confidence in the rigidity of business conditions, including tax conditions, is a factor that affects adversely the attractiveness of investment activities. The significance of this factor is evidenced by the adoption of Federal Law № 69-FZ dated April 01, 2020, “On Investment Protection and Promotion in the Russian Federation” that provides for a stabilization clause covering tax regulation. The Federal Law has been widely discussed among business people at the stage of a draft. However, the new Law does not solve many problems: the conclusion of an agreement with a stabilization clause will be available to far from every economic entity, real and potential residents of territories with special status or participants in regional investment projects.