The article represents the main ideas of B.G. Ananiev's developmental psychology. The anthropological principle and idea of wholeness are of great importance. The psychological development of human being is treated as changing human organic nature under social influences and own acitivity of a person. The resources and moving forces of development belongs to the inner structure of personality. The brain bilateral organization treated as a special regulator of human development. B.G. Ananiev had created a new project for pedagogical anthropology. It is founded on the principle of the relevancy to the human nature. This principle demands to mind the objective laws of human development, including sensitive periods. The article discusses perspectives and actuality of Ananiev's theory for Russian psychological science.

Translated title of the contributionEssay on B.G. Ananiev's theory of individual mental development
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)91-102
Number of pages12
JournalPsikhologicheskii Zhurnal
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • Anthropological psychology of development, B.G. Ananiev's conception and modern psychology, Laws of development, Life course, Ontogenesis, Pedagogical anthropology

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

ID: 89587497