The article presents the results of the study of the information-psychological effect on the militarypersonnel of the troops of the National Guard of the appeal of A. Navalny to V. Zolotov. The study did not reveal significant changes in terms of disorientation, disorganization, demotivation and demoralization of military personnel. The video did not affect their satisfaction with the service, pride for the troops of the national guard, the sense of community, unity with the civilian population; did not arouse guilt for belonging to the troops, did not lead to the change in the authority of the leadership of the troops of the national guard image, loss of desire to serve their country, to the disappearance of a sense of the importance of service to the country. The assessment of the importance of measures to protect public order has not changed. The presented content did not lead to an increase in indignation by the commanders, did not convince that the troops of the national guard protect the interests of only
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)92-102
Issue number2 (54)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • assessment of informational and psychological stability of military personnel, demotivation and demoralization of military personnel, disorganization, indicators of disorientation, information War, дезорганизации, демотивации и деморализации воен нослужащих, информационная война, оценка информационно-психологической устойчивости военнослужащих, показатели дезориентации

ID: 78496617