The article is devoted to the search for the potential for reactivalization of a conceptual language that has developed in Russian philosophy, as applied to media realism. Modern media reality in the optics of social institutions that have accumulated previous historical experience is seen as a crisis reality - images, messages, events of this reality represent a world that eludes the definitions of the theory, being too mobile, too paradoxical. Russian philosophy, which declared itself at the turn of the XIX - early XX century, faced the same experience - the experience of deactivating traditional institutions, the experience of technical transformation of the world and human behavior, the experience of the emergence and multiplication of new means of communication, the experience of proliferation of abstract sources in the absence of complete knowledge. A paradox is characteristic of mediareality: the fact that media becomes noise, existence is a hermeneutic situation, and vice versa, what is information fo
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)16-41
JournalGalactica Media: Journal of Media Studies
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Anthropogony, cosmism, epistemic action, existence, extinction of materiality, gnoseourgy, mediareality, noise, organized bodies, ritual practices, Антропогония, гносеоургия, космизм, медиареальность, организованные тела, ритуальные практики, угасание вещности, шум, экзистенция, эпистемическое действие

ID: 78496807