The article examines A. Vampilov’s drama “Duck Hunting” and suggests a new approach to studying Vampilov’s text - identifying dichotomy of the main hero’s image on the basis of the textual and poetological analysis taking into account the nuances of the system of motives and having in view to find a new interpretation of the drama’s titular image - “duck hunting”. The authors show that Vampilov’s play was conceived and developed mostly as an “epic”, “prosaic”, novelistic text, and the titular image-symbol of duck hunting reveals deeper inter-textual roots and traces its origin back to the traditional images of the Book of Genesis - Flood myth and Noah’s Ark.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)334-338
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Alexander Vampilov, allusive subtext, dichotomy of main hero's image, image-symbol, intertext, play "Duck Hunting", russian literature of the XX century, system of motives, Александр Вампилов, аллюзийный подтекст, дихотомия образа главного героя, интертекст, мотивная система, образ-символ, пьеса "Утиная охота", русская литература ХХ века

ID: 78614327