In the context of world globalization, when social problems and phenomena acquire special significance, social science specialists are faced with challenges that require international cooperation and mutual understanding. Sociology in the modern world, full of social, political, economic, and cultural contradictions, no longer remains a purely scientific discipline, but is increasingly acquiring a practice-oriented character, playing a noticeable role in the life of the society and a separate individual. In this perspective, it is of particular relevance the search for effective models of teaching future specialists in the field of sociological research and practice to intercultural, professionally-oriented communication in a foreign language. The purpose of this study was to analyze the English-language sociological discourse from the linguodidactic point of view with the perspective of building on this basis a complex of technologies aimed at teaching sociology students to professionally-oriented English-language discourse. The interpretation of sociological discourse as an institutional category allows us to consider the communication of sociologists on the basis of the spheres of their professional activity. This understanding of the speech interaction of sociologists makes it possible to bring educational communication closer to real communication and contributes to the successful language education of future sociologists. In the course of the study, materials reflecting the main areas of sociological research and practice were used, and an analysis of sociological discourse was carried out from the standpoint of the functions of speech strategies. The analysis was aimed at solving the problems of effective verbal communication in professionally significant communication of specialists in the field of sociology. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that argumentative discourse occupies the dominant position in the sociological discourse, that is manifested in a number of argumentative strategies, among which the following are of special frequency: logical-analytical, the strategy of recommendation and prognostication, contact-forming strategy the strategy of emotional and ethical argumentation, the strategy of critical argumentation; expert assessment strategy. The linguodi-dactic significance of the undertaken analysis of argumentative strategies of sociological discourse lies in the possibility of building on this basis a complex of techniques aimed at teaching sociology students to a professionally oriented discourse.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)92-105
Number of pages14
Issue number56
StatePublished - 10 Dec 2021

ID: 90570630