The article considers M. Foucault’s conceptions of subject and subjectification, which he formulated in his recent lectures at the Collège de France. The paper aims to reveal the concept of subjectification in its relation with a subject, to examine modern approaches to interpreting the concepts of freedom, bio power and resistance in M. Foucault’s late works and to analyse J. Rancière’s philosophical project “Disagreement” as one of the ways to subjectify a human being. It turns out that Foucault, considering ethics as a universal discipline and applying critical analysis, tries to transform the existing concept of a subject and to show him the way to freedom. J. Rancière’s “disagreement” is one of the modern ways of subjectification under bio-politics conditions.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)156-163
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • biopower, disagreement, discourse, existence, power, subject, subjectification, truth, биовласть, власть, дискурс, истина, несогласие, субъект, субъективация, экзистенция

ID: 78396758