The article discusses a number of problems and prospects for the development of competition in the context of the growing digitalization of the Russian economy. It is noted that the digital economy is becoming a relatively independent environment for the economic life of business entities. The reaction of the state, business and the population caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic served as a catalyst to accelerate the digitalization of the economy. Largely, this acceleration was due to the ineffectiveness of standard measures to combat the pandemic, which made it necessary to revise the “frame of reference” for the development of the economy as a whole, to adjust the traditional approaches to antimonopoly regulation. According to the authors, the modern economic policy of Russia should be aimed at preserving and developing domestic entrepreneurship interested in developing the national economic environment, using profits for the development of domestic markets. This approach creates the preconditions f
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)36-43
JournalРоссийское конкурентное право и экономика
Issue number3 (23)
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • antitrust regulation, digital economy, foreign markets, national socially responsible business, антимонопольное регулирование, внешние рынки, конкуренция, национальный социально ответственный бизнес, сompetition, цифровая экономика

ID: 78410208