Paper is a wonderful invention of ancient China, and the manufacture of wallpaper is inseparable from the history of paper. Initially, the paper was expensive and not widely used. In the Tang dynasty (618-907), people began to widely use paper due to multiple improvements in its production technology. Most writers at that time wrote on bast paper, which was denser and not as fragile as before. Waste paper for draft records writers used for pasting walls or sealing Windows. It was a prototype wallpaper. During the Ming dynasty, the paper and printing industries were developed. In the course of the historical development of the Qing dynasty wallpaper production actively developed, reaching a very high level, and there was a lot of wallpaper with a refined and beautiful design.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)186-193
JournalПедагогика искусства
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Chinese Wallpaper, material and method of making the Wallpaper, the method of pasting the Wallpaper classification Wallpapers of the Qing dynasty, китайские обои, классификация обоев династии Цин, материал и способ приготовления обоев, способ оклеивания обоев

ID: 78564622