Developed countries with sparsely populated polar territories successfully combine industrial, environmental, recreational nature management and tourism on them. In Russia, implementation of government programs aimed at sustainable development of northern regions depends on the experience of the North industrial development in the XX century. Natural and political conditionality of Norilsk creation as the prison camp town, its transformation into the «city of dreams» and the city of plants allow considering Norilsk as a model for analysis of northern regions development. Creation and positive dynamics of recreational complexes for local residents serve as the indicator of successful region development; the set of recreational complexes in Norilsk region represents trends of recreation development on the industrial territories in the XXI century. Refs 32. Figs 5.

Translated title of the contributionNorilsk region: From the peculiarities of nature to the practice of development
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)82-94
Number of pages13
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • Geographical determinism, Nature management, Norilsk region, Peculiarities of northern region development, Recreational nature management

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)

ID: 5710339