The article examines the infl of Milton's epic poems “Paradise Lost” (1667) and “Paradise Regained” (1671) on Byron's dramas “Manfred” (1817) and “Cain” (1821). This infl is displayed not only in the abundance of Miltonic allusions and reminiscences in Byron's works but in the general atmosphere of the dramatic action and, what is more important, in the presentation of the protagonists. Byron's humanistic interpretation of the fallen angel of “Paradise Lost” helped him to create his own mixed and problematic characters - Manfred, Cain, and Lucifer.
Translated title of the contributionTHE INFLUENCE OF MILTON ON BYRON'S DRAMAS "MANFRED" AND "CAIN"
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПреломления: Труды по теории и истории литературы, поэтике, герменевтике и сравнительному литературоведению
Subtitle of host publicationСборник памяти А. Г. Аствацатурова
EditorsИ. С. Румянцева, А. А. Аствацатуров
Place of PublicationСПб.
PublisherИздательство Русской христианской гуманитарной академии
ISBN (Print)9785888128626
StatePublished - 2017

ID: 11368019