
The article presents the methodology and classification of the legal sciences of Herman Kantorovich.
It is noted that G. Kantorovich distinguished all sciences into three main types, in each of which a certain place
was assigned to jurisprudence. Classification of this kind was presented by constructive, empirical and deontological sciences. The conclusion is formulated that the classification of legal sciences given by G. Kantorovich can be
useful for understanding the interaction of sciences and the interrelations between them. But the most useful classification may be for setting research priorities and choosing learning trajectories. For students and young scientists, the choice of a scientific path is determined by many factors, one of which is the prospect of scientific activity,
which is determined by the relevance and social significance of the chosen field. In addition, the article emphasizes
the importance of practical, not only theoretical, training of law students, since the study of only theoretical aspects, regardless of what kind of science and its varieties are in question, in no way contributes to the effective
training of future specialists in the field of jurisprudence, the quality of their knowledge.
Translated title of the contributionHerman Kantorovich's methodology and classification of legal sciences
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)150-154
JournalInternational Law Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • science, jurisprudence, education, G. Kantorovich, classification of sciences, methodology, legal problems, empirical knowledge

ID: 104509180