The article examines the current situation, which is caused by the recent and still "draft" coronavirus pandemic. It is noted that, with a certain shock, in which almost all of humanity is already, has not brought anything significantly new. Unless the processes that have developed over the past three decades have accelerated their pace. Everything happened, therefore, much earlier, although this circumstance is still not always clearly and unambiguously thematized and investigated, and therefore the mechanisms and matrices that are now "exposed" in the extreme situation of coronavirus are of interest to our research. These processes are associated with the formation of a new culture and, accordingly, with a new ontic space. The process of change in this basic sphere of our reality described as the transformation of ontics into smart-ontics, i.e. the ontic space that reflects and corresponds to a new type of consciousness-again – a new living being, into which a person is gradually transformed. This new being is a cyborg, i.e. a product of the synthesis of biological and artificial. Moreover, artificial is primarily the result of a person's experience and living in a new reality, a reality that is already "half" smart-the reality of the virtual world: the world of high technology, the Internet, genetic engineering, and the total re-encoding of the meanings and goals that shape the behavior of telos as an individual and humanity as a whole. This new reality – smart-reality is the basic sphere in which the main dispositives and models are "prescribed". The new ontic (smart-ontic)"forms" and simultaneously is formed by those initial attitudes, reactions, meanings, telos and life asanas, which can be marked (in Heidegger's terminology) not as existentials, but as smartexistentials. The same processes that are launched in this new "horizon" and on this new ontic (smart ontic) basis are the processes of clustering and globalization. Moreover, those reactions that "sort of" mean the isolation and closure of various social, state, or confessional entities actually turn out to fulfill and continue the imperatives that until recently segmented and clustered any consciousness, any society, and any social or state instance or institution.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationВременное и Постоянное / Вечное и Изменчивое
Subtitle of host publicationсборник научных статей
Place of PublicationМурманск
PublisherМурманский арктический государственный университет
ISBN (Print)978-5-4222-0443-4
StatePublished - 2021

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 87957452