The article represents the possibilities of the modern historical epistemology associated with bridging the gap between the work of the historian of science and epistemologist. Such overcoming can be realized in two ways - by asserting the historical character of the theory of knowledge or realizing the epistemological motives of the work of the historian. The project of the modern historical epistemology implements the second strategy. These possibilities are connected, firstly, with overcoming the extremes of normativism and descriptivism, secondly, with the identification of complementarity between the antiquarism and presentism as methodological strategies of the history of science and, thirdly, with the disclosure of scientific objects as both historical and real. In the latter case, the author substantiates the concept of a historical-epistemic event, which can express simultaneously two sides of the scientific object, characterizing it in a constructivist and realistic way.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationИсторическая эпистемология - история, онтология, эпистемология.
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • antiquarism, event, history of science, presentism, scientific objects, антикваризм, история науки, научные объекты, презентизм, событие

ID: 78417302