The issues of the post-war world order discussed at the Crimean Conference in February 1945 included the qualification of crimes against humanity committed by the Nazi regime. Along with the idea of full trial, which was defended by the Soviets, other options were considered in Yalta - from “truncated” legal proceedings to extrajudicial execution of high-ranking Nazi officials, proposed by W. Churchill, but rejected by both I. Stalin and F. Roosevelt. The Yalta meeting of three world leaders can be rightfully considered a kind of prologue to the Nuremberg trials on Nazi war criminals (and Nazi ideology itself), which proceeded in accordance with the highest world standards of jurisprudence.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)128-132
JournalПерспективы. Электронный журнал
Issue number2 (22)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Crimean Conference, crimes against peace and humanity, International Military Tribunal, Nazi Germany, Nuremberg trials, war crimes, военные преступления, Крымская конференция, международный военный трибунал, нюрнбергский процесс, преступления против мира и человечности, фашистская Германия

ID: 78405922