In this article the potencial of oil resources of Orenburg district is observed. The data of supplies categories, big oilfields and resource users is presented. The history of oilbearing scurfs and performed researche is observed. The interests of USSR leaders to research and development of the Povolzie region are notified. The role of I.M.Gubkin in researches of the region is presented. The analysis of problems that face all the gas-oil extractors is performed, the scale of performing different tasks to create the Orenburg oil centrum is observed.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)50-59
JournalСоциально-экономическая география. Вестник Ассоциации российских географов-обществоведов
Issue number1 (9)
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • oil extraction, oilfields, Orenburg district, resource users, supplies, запасы, месторождения, недропользователи, нефтедобыча, оренбургская область

ID: 78566644