The article is devoted to the study of the conditions and prerequisites for the formation of a digital/information society, as well as the conditions under which this phenomenon could be thematized in the semantic and discursive horizons of knowledge. To date, we can state that information technology innovation practices have fully affected very small regions of the Earth, both in terms of the number of people living and in terms of the territory. Therefore, it is premature to make predictions that this trend will become a leading global trend and will radically affect the further development of all mankind. The historical experience of the past, when one or another model of development of all mankind was declared universal and inevitable (for example, the stage of industrialization) shows that in the case of Informatization/digitalization it would be necessary to talk only about some, primarily technological and ideological, product of European-oriented practices and regions. In order for such a worldview accent to be formed in principle, appropriate socio-cultural and mental conceptual presets are necessary, which relate primarily to the fundamental principles of the interpretation of man, the world and man in the world. Namely: concepts of information, communication, space and time, status and correlation of substantial and accidental spheres, as well as anthropological cartography (general architectonics). Basic can also be considered the interpretation of the number/digits. It is also important that in the case of digitalization/Informatization, a significant role is played by the capitalist sacralization of accounting (book-keepization) and the local distribution of tools of total pattern guardianship - jurisprudence (jurisprudencization).