In this paper we have considered the following issues of increasing work efficiency for employees in shipbuilding enterprise on the example of ship electricians. We have identified the psychological factors of professional suitability for employees, identified the required in this profession professionally important qualities, the limitations of the workplace, indicators of life satisfaction. The aim of this study: identification of characteristics that contribute and hinder the effective implementation of the work; identification of resources that increase the efficiency of their work and job satisfaction indicators. Objectives of the study: to determine the factors of professional suitability and methodological basis for professional psychological selection of employees, to develop psychodiagnostic tools for analysis and assessment of the workplace to the ship electricians. To solve these problems, we have developed three author's methods: a biographical questionnaire, which allowed to determine the age and
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • job satisfaction, life satisfaction, professional suitability, professionally important qualities, shipbuilding, workplace, профессиональная пригодность, профессионально важные качества, рабочее место, судостроение, удовлетворенность жизнью, удовлетворенность трудом

ID: 78514154