Poverty is one of the main problems in the world. Poverty is an inability to provide basic living conditions and primary living standards. A great poverty level, particularly in developing countries, is a serious threat for sustainable development of national and world community. The poverty became a reality in Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and affected the population of rural areas to a greater degree than the population of urban areas. The poverty of rural population is a poverty due to low income level, lack of access to economic resources and to basic public services, low possibilities of the life opportunities. As official statistical data show there is an essential gap in average monthly income per capita by urban and rural areas in Georgia and total income per capita in a rural area is about 18,5% lower than in an urban area. Proceeding from low income the average monthly consumption expenditure of population in a rural area is on 52 GEL lower than in an urban area. Current paper is based on the research of poverty in the villages of Imereti Region of Georgia and on the analysis of the cause of poverty. The paper tries to answer the questions: How the rural people perceive their economic status? How the rural people estimate the causes of their economic position? The research was done according to ENPARD project needs and aims to explore opportunities for M4P The project titled «Explore opportunities for poverty reduction in the villages of the Imereti region» studies the situation in the five villages of Imereti region: Maglaki, Kvitiri, Obshkviti, Gubi, Didvela. 21 ВЫСШЕЕ ГУМАНИТАРНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ XXI ВЕКА: ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ The project was carried out by the Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University, Czech Republic Development Cooperation and Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague).