<p num="65">FIELD: geology.</p> <p num="66">SUBSTANCE: invention relates to geology and relates to a method for detecting improved high carbon collection properties. Method includes sampling of core from high-carbon rocks, analysis of sample samples by IR-spectroscopy, obtaining infrared spectra of rock mineral matrix and their comparison with reference spectra. Obtained spectra are compared to the infrared spectra of the reference collection by the ratio of the wave numbers and values of their intensities, which contain the characteristics of the rock matrix and the gradient characteristic of the organic matter catagenesis. Based on the comparison results, samples with the least degree of transformation (MK<sub>2</sub>-MK<sub>3</sub>) and within these gradations there are extracted rocks with improved reservoir properties.</p> <p num="67">EFFECT: technical result consists in improvement of validity and expressiveness of method.</p> <p num="68">3 cl, 2 dwg, 3 tbl</p>
Original languageRussian
Patent numberRU 2684670
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2018

ID: 78434042