
The influence of the molecular vibrational state on the rotational energy relaxation time is studied in the state-to-state approach. The rotational levels of the molecules are described by the nonrigid rotator model; their interaction is described by the variable soft sphere model. According to this model, collision cross sections for N2-N, O2 -O, NO-O interactions are calculated for different vibrational and rotational levels of molecules. On the basisof the kinetic theory of nonequilibrium processes, the rotational relaxation time is introduced for each vibrational level. Relaxation times are calculated numerically in the wide temperature range, and a comparison with the relaxation time obtained by the well-known Parker formula is carried out. The influence of various multiquantum rotational transitions on the accuracy of the calculation of the rotational relaxation time is analyzed; the convergence of the solution is shown with increasing the maximum possible number of quanta transferred during the transition
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)118-130
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • relaxation time, Rotational energy, state-to-state approach, Vibrationally excited state, возбужденное колебательное состояние, вращательная энергия, время релаксации, поуровневое приближение

ID: 78451347