
. Industrial development of the North of Russia is connected with an increase of disturbed
areas and degradation of natural landscapes. Restoration of soil and vegetation cover in disturbed
territories leads to the stabilization of permafrost, prevention of erosion processes and gives the
opportunity to return these lands for use as reindeer pastures. Analysis of monitoring data of natural
and disturbed landscapes allowed to assess their condition and substantiate either the possibility of
their natural recovery, or the need for their recultivation. Active natural recovery is going on disturbed
lands with high moisture, where a dense plant cover forms in 2-5 years. Although the process of selfrevegetation does not require costs and leads to the formation of more stable and long-term plant
communities, it can’t be used everywhere. Technogenic landscapes with a low supply of available
water, poor in nutrients and exposed to wind and water erosion (tailings, bulk sandy arenas, etc.) need
recultivation at the first place. Monitoring of soil and vegetation cover in the vicinity of industrial
enterprises is an important branch of their environmental activities, fixed by law.
Translated title of the contributionMonitoring of Natural and Disturbed Landscapes in the North of Russia
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationНовые методы и результаты исследований ландшафтов в Европе, Центральной Азии и Сибири (в пяти томах)
Subtitle of host publicationТом 1. Ландшафты в XXI веке: анализ состояния, основные процессы и концепции исследований
EditorsВиктор Сычев, Lothar Mueller
Place of PublicationМ.
PublisherВНИИ агрохимии
ISBN (Print)978-5-9238-0247-4 (Том 1)
StatePublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • monitoring, North, landscapes, terrestrial ecosystems, disturbed lands, reindeer pastures, technogenic disturbances, natural recovery of vegetation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)

ID: 35246503