On the material of modern mass media the text functions of metalanguage operators, thematically connected with ethno – cultural opposition «svoy – chuzhoy» («my – alien») are considered. The semantic field of speech reflection decorated with various stable constructions with the component "Russian" - "speaking in Russian", "speaking in Russian / Russian words" and under is investigated. The role of the addressee in texts with the specified metalanguage operator is noted.
Translated title of the contributionMetalinguistic reflection of Modern Russian media: po-russki govoria
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationРусистика в XXI веке: тенденции и направления развития
Subtitle of host publicationМеждународная научная конференция. Сборник статей
Place of PublicationЕреван
PublisherЕреванский государственный университет
ISBN (Print)978-5-8084-2392-3
StatePublished - 2019
EventРусистика в XXI веке: тенденции и направления развития: Международная научная конференция в често 100-летия преподавания русского языка в Армении - Ереванский государственный университет, Ереван, Armenia
Duration: 24 Oct 201926 Oct 2019


ConferenceРусистика в XXI веке: тенденции и направления развития

    Research areas

  • metalanguage reflection, metaoperator, cultural opposition, euphemization and dysphemization, Russian context

ID: 49581301