The article considers the norms of Chinese contract law in relation to the persons engaged in business activities. The author aims to explore the concept and types of business contracts in the law of China, to consider the principles of Chinese contract law and the procedure of concluding, changes and termination of business contracts. According to the results of the study the definition of a contract in the field of business under the law of China is formulated and conclusions are drawn regarding the legal regulation of contracts between persons engaged in business activities or with their participation. In addition to laws contractual obligations in China are also regulated by the rules of subordinate legal acts, the principles of contract law and the Chinese trade tradition play a special role. The features of pre-contractual liability, modification and termination of the contract unilaterally due to a significant change in circumstances are also revealed. The scientific novelty of the conclusions formulated by the author is based on an analysis of the legal norms of modern Chinese legislation. For the first time in the literature, the author examines the norms of Chinese contract law in relation to entrepreneurial activity.