
The article examines the European aspect of a “quiet revolution” of E. Heath and the results of its clash with the “revolution in the Common Market”. The author argues that the promotion of Heath’s neoconservative revolution in the European direction was due to the need to adapt the original conservative values to the new conditions of the industrial society, which demanded an increase in the production of industrial goods, expansion of markets, and prevention of further weakening of the world role of Great Britain. The author investigates E. Heath’s “quiet” steps to Europe. They were: firstly, the successful conclusion of the negotiations on membership of the EEC, which opened up new opportunities for the UK in the economic sphere; secondly, membership in the mechanism of European political cooperation, which helped to strengthen the political influence of Great Britain during the period of detente and promote the British trade interests in Eastern Europe. The novelty of the study lies in the new approach to the European policy of E. Heath in order to expand the “room for maneuver” that faced the beginning of «revolution in the Common Market”. It threatened to completely lose control of the country’s economic policy and financial system, which amounted to a renunciation of sovereignty. The article argues that the ultimate goal of the revolutionary transformation of the Common Market was to build a political union on a federal basis. Analyzing the results of the “clash between the two revolutions” the author proves that as a full member of the EEC, Great Britain managed to slow down the transition to the European federation and influence the integration processes in Europe, using for this purpose the mechanism of unanimous voting and the right of veto.
Translated title of the contributionEUROPEAN DIRECTION OF A “QUIET” REVOLUTION OF E. HEATH
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)132-154
Number of pages23
JournalТруды кафедры истории Нового и новейшего времени.
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas


ID: 64769320