The author reveals the structural and semantic features of the cycle of "Мiniatures" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. As a result of the analysis of the cycle of works carried out in line with the cognitive and communicative approach, the author comes to the conclusion that the genre "Tiny" has the following typical characteristics:
- three-part composition, including narrative, lyrical and philosophical components;
- the complex organization of the image of the author, which brings together an intermediary who carries the word of God to people, a representative of the collegial (Russian Orthodox) community and a narrator who is extremely close to the person of a real writer;
- multiple targeting: yourself (self-reflection), reader (teaching message), God (confession, prayer);
- a set of dominant tonalities: reverent (in relation to the divine), accusatory (in relation to the State power and manifestations of the low in man), teaching (in relation to the reader-interlocutor).
Typical genre features are the unifying basis of the cycle of "Мiniatures", but in the presence of a set of typical features each "Tiny" has a pronounced individual artistic character and has its own aesthetic value.
The cycle is divided into two parts, each of which ends with a prayer: a thanksgiving prayer for personal well-being on behalf of the author's I concludes the first part of the cycle; a prayer for the well-being of Russia on behalf of the author as part of the Russian Orthodox community concludes the second part of the cycle. At the same time, thematic and tonal coincidences of prayers with the works of each part of the cycle allow us to consider them not only as the final components, but also as links that bind the entire cycle of "Мiniatures" into a whole ring structural and semantic unity, which embodies the author's picture of the world.
Translated title of the contributionThe features of structural and semantic organization of a cycle of "Мiniatures" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)57-69
Number of pages13
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

    Research areas

  • the cycle of "Мiniatures", structural and semantic organization, image of the author, the image of the addressee, tone, structural and semantic organisation, the image of the addressee, Miniatures cycle, image of the author, tonality

ID: 47545208