At the moment, it is possible to single out a rather extensive problem area related tothe application of the historical approach in geopolitical research. Using an example ofthe core-peripheral analysis of the French Kingdom (during the Centenary war) and theRussian state, the article reveals the potential for the synthesis of historical geography andgeopolitics. To do this, as part of the work, it was necessary to develop a methodology fordetecting the core-peripheral structures of geopolitical systems, which was done. Thus, thearticle presents an attempt to differentiate the internal geopolitical space. The results obtainedin the course of such an analysis in the form of new conclusions about the geopoliticalphenomena in the past are not only ofpractical value for the study of research objects, butalso of great theoretical significance, since they allow creating models for the developmentof the geopolitical systems core-peripheral structures in the space-time continuum.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)87-98
Issue number2 (42)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • center, chronoscale, city, core, geopolitical system, periphery, semiperiphery, space-time continuum, геополитическая система, город, периферия, полупериферия, пространственно-временной континуум, хрономасштаб, центр, ядро

ID: 78623681