This article discusses the problems and improvement of housing savings system in Kazakhstan. The characteristic features of the current state of the mortgage lending system are analyzed. Identified and justified the need to ensure the required value of the interest rate within this type of credit institution as housing cooperatives. On the basis of the conducted research the author offers to distinguish the following types of housing cooperatives: housing cooperatives, housing savings cooperatives, consumer mortgage cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, credit consumer cooperatives. It is shown that at the moment housing savings in Kazakhstan are engaged only in Housing Construction Savings Bank. This means that such banks can exist and be attractive to the population only with solid government support
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • commercial lending, consumer credit cooperatives, housing cooperatives, institutions of non&amp, network of building savings banks, shy, жилищные кооперативы, институты некоммерческого кредитования, кредитные потребительские кооперативы, сеть строительных сберегательных касс

ID: 78550922