Transition of the students' physical culture into the elective courses system, motivated by the educational standards of the third generation (FSES 3++), is implemented from the positions of anthropocentrism of the project management (PM). Methodology for the PM is focused on the technological upgrade and diversification of the resources, concentrated on the mastering of the cultural competences. On the platform of the elective courses there are implemented imperatives of the integrity of the teaching and training, including the timely adjustments, being made to the operating structure and trajectory of physical development. Having being reduced to the target managerial indicators, the algorithm is focused on assessment of the precedents of the bodily development. PM's information and technology platform is focused on mobilizing the development incentives that are result-oriented to the maximum. Growth points arise under the mastering of the synthetic type programs, increasing the energy costs and depth of th
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)54-58
Issue number9 (175)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • anthropocentrism, functional, project, project-oriented activity, singularity, антропоцентризм, проект, проектно-ориентированная деятельность, сингулярность, функционал

ID: 78433218