The article discusses the question of how the ancient image of the mythological hero Odysseus is reflected in the «Divine Comedy» by Dante. To create the image of his Ulysses Dante used not only literary, but, probably, folklore sources, because in Italy there was a very deep and persistent tradition connected with the sojourn here of Odysseus, as evidenced by numerous place-names (dating back to antiquity), which legend links with the wanderings of the hero off the coast of Italy. Strong ties of Ulysses with Italy were fixed by mythology. For Dante though, mythological Ulysses-Odysseus was not only the character closely associated with Italy, but the person who, like Dante himself and his guide Virgil, was posed as a traveler through the otherworld. Considering the important role of Circe in the mythological imagery of the «Divine Comedy», it can be assumed that, along with a pair of antipodal Ulysses - Dante’s poem is present in a latent form and its female counterpart: Circe - Beatrice. This pair is an eve
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)340-346
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • "The Divine Comedy", "Божественная комедия", afterlife, antique myth, Beatrice, Circe, Dante, Ulysses (Odysseus), античный миф, Беатриче, Данте, загробный мир, Улисс (Одиссей), Цирцея

ID: 78489991