In this article the main questions connected with the implementation of the constitutional principle of the prohibition of the retroactivity of law are reviewed and the necessity of this principle's implementation not only in the sphere of administrative and criminal law but in other spheres of law as well (including civil law) is proved.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • constitutional principle's sphere of implementation, retroactivity of civil law, retroactivity of law, retroactivity of law in foreign countries, retroactivity of law in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Russian Federation, обратная сила закона, ретроактивность гражданского закона, ретроактивность закона в зарубежной практике, ретроактивность закона в решениях Конституционного Суда РФ, сфера применения конституционного принципа

ID: 78403965