• Михаил Борисович Конашев
  • Наталья Генриховна Патрушева
  • Г.А. Мамонтова
  • Владимир Руфинович Фирсов
  • Людмила Петровна Громова
  • Владлен Семенович Измозик
This collection of articles continues the series «Censorship in Russia: History and the Present».Thearticlesconsideracomplexofproblemsrelatingtothehistoryandpresentstate of control over the dissemination of and access to information in the «Information Society». They draw on a broad range of sources in their investigation of topics concerning the history of censorship in pre-revolutionary Russia and the Soviet Union, as well as problems of the present day.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • "информационное общество", доступ к информации, история журналистики, история печати, история цензуры, книговедение, цензура в России

ID: 78419909