The quality of life of the population directly depends on the level of its involvement in the country's financial system, consequently financial inclusion is currently a relevant topic requiring development. This article defines the meaning of the concept of "financial inclusion", analyzes several indicators of financial inclusion, and furthermore identifies the role of inclusion in the modern economic conditions of the country.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)351-354
JournalНаучное Образование
Issue number2 (7)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • financial accessibility, financial inclusion, financial stability, inclusion indicator, Inclusive Development Index, lending, закредитованность населения, индекс инклюзивного развития, индикатор вовлеченности, финансовая доступность, финансовая инклюзия, финансовая стабильность

ID: 78385075