
With the use of the methods of corpus linguistics, a study of the concept of a group subject in the common language picture of the world, a comparison of the compatibility of words that refer to a group subject, with concepts denoting various forms of internal and external activity of the individual and group subject. To determine the frequency, a custom subcorpus created with a volume of 100 606 documents, 9 620 945 sentences, 128 877 026 words. The whole volume of the Corps excludes artistic and scholarly texts. The user subcorpus includes texts that are related to the spheres of functioning in the Corps: household, official-business, production-technical, publicist, advertising, ecclesiastical and electronic communication. The collection of data used a list of 14 lexemes of anthropic phenomena: consciousness, memory, interest, will, opinion, activity, attitude, soul, character, mood, need, spirit, feeling, state (listed in descending order of frequency). Found that combinations of lexemes of anthropic phenomena with the lexemes of such group subjects as the people (folk), society, group, collective have the highest frequency. The most frequent word combinations: lexeme society and opinion, activity, consciousness, attitude, interest; lexeme people and will, interest, spirit, soul, consciousness, character, attitude; lexeme group and interest, activity, attitude, opinion; lexeme collective and consciousness, memory, interest, will, opinion, activity, attitude; soul. The lexemes of the group subject with the highest frequency form the word combinations with the following lexemes of anthropic phenomena: opinion (28.75%), interest (11.30%), will (9.99%), consciousness (9.20%), attitude (8.06%). The unifying feature for these five most frequent phenomena is their intentionality. The study of the frequency characteristics of vocabulary makes it possible to elucidate the essential attributes of the reflexing of the group subject.

Translated title of the contributionGROUP SUBJECT IN THE LANGUAGE PICTURE OF THE WORLD
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)43-60
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2018

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

ID: 74827727